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Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 12:16:32 -0500
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From: David Barchas <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Assessment of powerviewer
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
Status: RO
I have been playing with it for a couple of hours now to see how much I can slow it
down on my millenium card and have come to some conclusions...
First off I have to say that the actual viewer part of the plugin is good. The only
thing is that there are no fun buttons to push, I like buttons, not just on the screen
but on the keyboard as well.
1) I think a usefull addition would be to add a zoom feature because the main reason
why I would use this modeller pluging is find polygon errors before finding them in a
final render. When you have small little things attached to big things you can't see
the small polygon errors. This may be of importance if you are going to be zooming in
on a part of something in the final. A workaround right now is to cut off a piece
into another layer and then powerview that piece... Moving left right up and down
goes hand in hand with this.
2) I have to agree with the need for this in layout so that lights can be aimed
quicker and so that objects don't pull the "I'm really not a solid object" routine.
3) I had a number three but I forget what it was. Oh well.